《叶问2013》是范小天导演的一部超级经典的国产中国大陆片,该剧讲述了:电视剧版《叶问》预计2013年登陆各大卫视,在2013年电视荧屏再造武林神话,掀起新一股中华武术的热潮。 与《霍元甲》《精武陈真》《少年黄飞鸿》等武术宗师题材的电视剧相比,电视剧版《叶问》将不再仅
I've no idea how to comment this movie, it's a biography of a free soul's short life so as to a film. a novelist succeeded young, a manipulating mother killed his son, an idealist wife died in vain, a competitor played the role of exclusive, every thing seemed to be contrived, while every thing was inevitable. this was a tragedy, more sad than any tragedy before, 'cause it was us. 7.5